Archive for February, 2008

Egg Survey .org – Thesis Research on Consumers’ Definition of “Cage-Free”

My thesis research survey was launched last week and the power of networking on the Internet has been fantastic. I plan to keep the survey open until March 1st, and the more folks that take the survey, the more powerful the research will be. If you haven’t yet taken the twenty minutes or so to fill it out, please do, and please pass it around as much as possible.

I’ll post results here later this Spring, as well as on, and I can tell by the answers that I have received up to this point that most folks are going to be surprised, especially by what the terms mean. One of the positive by-products of this research already has been the emails and comments I’ve received by people who have taken the survey and said that just thinking about how to answer the questions has got them wondering more about their eggs and where they come from. Yay!

Happy Chickens at Lovena Farm

Happy Chickens at Lovena Farm

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Take the Egg Survey! All the cool kids are doing it…

Hello all – I’m thigh deep in thesis research now, and could really use your help. It would be great if you and everyone you know would be willing to take a survey for me on consumer motivations for buying “sustainable” and “value-added” eggs. I’m mostly targeting folks who already purchase, at least some of the time, eggs that are cage-free, free-range, omega-3 enriched, local, or otherwise considered more expensive than your average cheap dozen (and I’m guessing that most of you do).

The survey only takes about 20 minutes, and the more folks that take it, the better the research will be. Please pass this along to anyone you know who might fit the consumer profile – I really appreciate it!!

You can find more details and the survey at

Big Thanks, 

Michele Knaus
Masters of Education candidate, Portland State University
Leadership for Ecology, Culture and Learning
“The Consumer and the Egg: Negotiating Eco-labels”

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